Take a Hike!
I have been hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire since I was little. My dad and I took our first overnight trip when I was seven and I have loved the White Mountains and hiking ever since. This is one of the most wonderful things you can do, as an individual or as a family. Hiking has so many benefits: you get out into the fresh air, get great exercise, take in gorgeous views and I have never met an unfriendly person on a mountain! Summer is a great time to go hiking, so here are a couple of ideas of great places to go! <img src=”{filedir_2}white_carin.jpg” alt=”go!” height=”172″ width=”207″ />
• Mount Monadnock. It is a good beginners hike and has the benefit of rocky summit so you get some incredible views as it is the highest peak in 30 miles! It is mentioned by both Emerson and Thoreua in their writings. Hike it – trust me and thousands of other people – there is a reason this is one of the most frequently climbed mountains in the world! <img src=”{filedir_2}white_hikers.jpg” alt=” world!” height=”375″ width=”500″ />
• Hike in to Lonesome Lake Hut operated by the AMC. I can tell you from experience that this is just not a hard hike. The first time we took my cousins there they hiked in with SUITCASES instead of packs! Come for a day or spend the night! And remember to bring your bathing suit because there is no way you can pass up a dip in the lake!
• Mt. Washington! This is the highest of the peaks in the White Mountains and the summit is known to have some of the worst and most changeable weather in the world, so do not hike this unprepared! However if you do – it truly is wonderful. If you don’t think you are up to doing the whole loop in one day, or if you just want to enjoy the view some more, then make a reservation with the AMC for the Lake of the Clouds Hut and spend the night! <img src=”{filedir_2}lake_of_the_clouds.jpg” alt=”night!” height=”174″ width=”226″ />
So grab your boots and some GORP and hit the trails!