Tag: thanksgiving
5 Tips for Setting the Thanksgiving Table
It’s Thanksgiving week and it’s time to prepare for the big day! Before you start roasting that turkey, it’s time to think about setting the table. Here are 5 tips for setting the perfect Thanksgiving table for your guests.
1 – Don’t wait until Thanksgiving! Start setting your table at least one day before. Washing cutlery and ironing cloth napkins are tasks that take more time than you think. You don’t want to worry about doing those things when you need to be in the kitchen.
2 – Know where to place everything! Bread plates go on the left, drinking glasses on the right! Place your silverware in the order they will be used – outside to inside. Forks go to the left of the plate and knives and spoons on the right.
3 – Decide how you’ll serve! If your table is large consider serving your meal “family style” which means the food will go right in the center of the table. Make sure you’ve found plenty of hot plates and trivets! If you’re choosing to serve buffet-style, make sure you have a large, clean surface ready for the food (that’s not too far away from the table!)
4 – Decorate with a centerpiece! Many local grocery stores sell beautiful Thanksgiving centerpieces that can be picked up the day before. Rather try a DIY? Add some pumpkins, LED candles and greenery to give your table a special touch.
5 – Place cards are the final touch! Not only do place cards give your guests a personalized touch, they also eliminate any question or confusion as to who should sit where.
Enjoy and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
3 Thanksgiving Games to Play With Family
Whether you are together with family or celebrating via Zoom, there are fun ways you can celebrate turkey day this year! Try one of these fun games with your family and maybe you’ll create a new tradition for years to come.
1 – A Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt – Get the family searching both inside and outside for a list of items and have a whole lot of fun while you search!

2 – Color the table! Ditch the standard table cloth and opt for one you can color. Buy one at your local party store or create your own with craft paper and a sharpie.

3 – Act it out! You don’t have to be face to face with your family to play Thanksgiving charades. Try these free printable cards from readwritemom.com!

5 Ways to Save on Hosting Thanksgiving Dinner
We’re about two weeks away from the big day! If you’re hosting this year you’re probably getting your final headcount, making a menu and cleaning for visitors. Hosting a holiday can certainly be expensive but here are ten ways you can save this year.
1 – Ask your guests to bring something. Don’t try and do it all yourself. If you supply the turkey then ask your guests to bring the sides and dessert. This will save you both time and money.
2 – Want a fancy table? Head to your local Dollar Store for some decor. You can find cloth napkins, greenery, LED candles and more that will help your table look beautiful on a budget.
3 – Limit your drink menu. Don’t try to personalize your bar menu by having something specific for each person on your list. Instead stick to two beverage options and water.
4 – Wait for local deals before buying your turkey. A lot of grocery stores will have sales on turkeys before the big day. Check out your local paper for inserts that announce the sales.
5 – Having guests stay over for the weekend? Don’t go crazy trying to prepare a fancy guestroom. Add some travel toiletries in a basket in your bathroom. This will let your guests feel welcome and right at home.
5 Tips for Hosting a Great Friendsgiving
Hosting a separate Thanksgiving with friends is a tradition that is gaining popularity over the last several years. Whether you host yours before the big day or serve leftovers after it, here are some tips to make your Friendsgiving fun and memorable!
1 – Make it an annual thing. Create some invitations (paper or use online sites like evite.com) and let your friends know they can look forward to Friendsgiving every year.
2 – Serve options other than turkey. Some people are “turkeyed-out” by the time Thanksgiving is over. Try serving some dishes that you wouldn’t see at a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
3 – Ask your guests to bring something. If everyone pitches in and brings a casserole or finger food appetizer the work-load will be easier and less stressful.
4 – Start some unique traditions. Play board games, toast with a special drink, create a photo album of photos from every year. Traditions are fun (especially around the holidays). Your guests will know what to look forward to next year.
5 – Don’t force a timeline. Let your friends pop in and visit for as long as they’d like. If you have a strict dinner time set some people may not be able to attend.
7 Tips for Setting A Thanksgiving Table
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and if you’re hosting you are probably busy with preparations! Your turkey is thawing, your vegetables are chopped, the house is clean….now it’s time to set the table! Read these tips before you start putting out your napkins and flatware…
- Iron your tablecloths and napkins the day before.
- Wash and set aside all of your flatware and glassware the night before. Make sure to dry everything so there aren’t any spots or watermarks.
- Consider using place cards. It makes things easier and it makes your dinner table much more personalized. Your guests will be happy that you’ve chosen a special place for them at your meal.
- Add some seasonal touches by putting centerpieces on your tables. Consider flowers, candles, pumpkins or faux leaves to give your table a festive look.
- Keep in mind that bread plates go on the left and drinks go on the right of each place setting.
- Wow your guests with a festive napkin fold! Try one of these ideas
- Make sure to have the guests water glasses filled before they sit down. Have a full water pitcher on hand in the fridge so you can easily refill.
DIY Waffle Cone Cornucopias
Want to send your Thanksgiving guests home with a fun, festive treat? Watch the video below to learn how to make your own waffle cone cornucopias with only 2 ingredients!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJts1Z4uLPo?rel=0&w=560&h=315]