Princeton Happenings

Sweet Apps

There are apps out there that claim to make life easier but honestly they take more time than they save. I’m sure we have all done it, downloaded an app for our iphone or ipad thinking it will organize some part of our crazy lives but come to find out we have to spend more time entering data than we actually get out of it. Well here is a run down of some apps that I have found to be helpful without feeling like they are extra work.

Grocery IQ; I don’t know about you but when I grocery shop I have to have a list. I also have to create a meal plan for the week, otherwise there goes $100 and we have nothing to eat. With this app you can create as many lists as you like. One for the grocery store, one for Target, anything you need. Adding items is super easy you can type them in or scan the bar code if you already have the package. Once the item is entered you can specify the quantity and price. That way while you are shopping you add the item to your cart and it keeps track of your total. The other cool thing is if you have an ipad and an iphone the app will sync your lists. So for instance you can create the list while on your ipad browsing for recipes, then sync it to your phone for when you actually go to the store. It also keeps track of your history so you can easily add items you shop for every week.

My Fitness Pal; This handy app allows you to enter in your daily food and exercise diary. You start with your allotted calories for the day and as you enter in what you ate they go down but when you enter in what you have done for exercise they go up! It’s a really cool way to keep track of what you are really eating. The database of foods is vast so you are bound to find exactly what you ate and exactly how many calories it was. Plus you can find friends who also have the app and send them encouraging notes.

Dash Magazine; This monthly magazine is full of awesome recipes and handy kitchen tips and tricks. It pulls information from Bon Appétit, Parade, Gourmet, and other great food resources. There are interactive videos and extra recipes imbedded in the pages.

PS Express; Otherwise known as Photoshop Express. With this handy app you can easily edit your photos without having to buy the full version of Photoshop. It comes with some pretty great effects you can add as well. Once you have doctored up your picture you can share it via Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, or regular old email.

The best thing about all of these apps is that they are both great for your iphone or ipad. And even better they are all free!