Princeton Happenings

Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy

Right now it’s dark outside when most of us get up in the morning for work. It can be hard to get out of bed and usually in the mid afternoon our energy crashes! Spring is right around the corner and sunnier days are ahead! Until then here are some ways to boost your energy during these last days of winter.

<strong>1. Get up and move!</strong> If you work in a job where you are required to sit at a desk, try your best to move around. Maybe go for a walk during lunch or take a few extra trips to the water cooler for breaks.

<strong>2. Get a good laugh!</strong> Have a funny friend? Enjoy reading silly articles on Buzzfeed? These things can help your energy. A good laugh raises your blood pressure and boosts heart rate, too, which can pump you up when you’re feeling sluggish.

<strong>3. Surround yourself with bright colors!</strong> Hues like bright reds and oranges can keep you alert in your cubicle. Maybe keep some bright-colored flowers on your desk for a visual boost.

<strong>4. Eat nutritiously!</strong> A lunch full of greasy foods can leave us all feeling a little tired and sluggish. Nourish yourself mid day with foods full of omega-3 fatty acids. They help improve mood and brain function.