Princeton Happenings

January’s Beautiful Birthstone

Happy Birthday to anyone (including myself!) who has a birthday in the cold, snowy, blustery month of January!  I have had many a birthday party cancelled due to unexpected snow storms where guests didn’t feel like driving, or going out at all, in the snow!!

One of the warmest things the month of January has to offer is its beautiful birthstone, Garnet. The gemstone Garnet comes in a variety of colors from the deepest red to a bold green. In between those colors are shades of beautiful oranges and yellows. Probably the most commonly recognized shade is the rich, deep, dark red to which the gemstone Garnet derived its name. Garnet derives from the word granatum, which means seed, and is referring to the Garnet’s resemblance to the pomegranate seed.

<strong>Keep in mind the beautiful Garnet for friends with January birthdays…as the gemstone also represents eternal friendship and trust!