Buy Online and Look Devine on a Dime

Let’s get this out in the open, once and for all. I am a woman that hates shopping. Yes, I know that sounds like a lion claiming to be a vegetarian, but I have my reasons: crowds of people; bored, rude, or oblivious sales staff; racks full of clothing stuffed with everything but your size; or my number one complaint, exorbitant prices. That’s why I am all about shopping online and today I’m going to share a few of my go-to websites.

For me, one of the most distressing things about online shopping is making a return… There are two websites that make this bothersome possibility almost obsolete. First, <a href=””> </a>gives you access to merchandise that isn’t necessarily carried in the store. Other benefits include regular internet specials, such as “buy 3 get one free ” or free shipping on select merchandise or on orders over a particular amount. In addition to clothing, carries all the goodies you’d expect to find in the department store, such as shoes, housewares, and electronics. Best of all, if you need to make a return, there’s likely a Target just down the road so you won’t pay return shipping.

One of my other favorite sites for easy returns is <a href=””>Modcloth</a>. This company appeals to a clientele who appreciates retro and vintage-inspired pieces (think Zooey Deschanel). One function I love about Modcloth is that the article description specifies the fit of the piece, whether it is true to size or if it runs small or large. New stock is added every day, so that cool little shift that appears today may be in the sale section within a couple of weeks. In addition to clothing, Modcloth carries shoes, jewelry, hosiery, and homegoods. Plus, if the sizing is not what you expected, you can print a return postage form, drop the parcel at the post office and pay nothing for return shipping.

I confess, I’m also addicted to <a href=”″>Forever21</a>, mainly because their inventory is so extensive. They carry Women’s, Men’s, Girl’s, and Plus sizes, as well as accessories and shoes. This company is trendy and fun and you never know what you’ll find – maybe that perfect party dress for a night out on the town, the boyfriend blazer for next weekend’s date, or a basic pencil skirt for work. Forever21’s sale section is enormous and often heavily discounted. Today’s sale page for skirts featured prices ranging between $4.99 and $15.99. What a deal! In addition to the traditional sales, Forever21 offers daily <a href=””>”Flash Deals”</a> that are 21% off select new merchandise.

My beloved new discovery is <a href=””>Zulily</a>. Yes, you must sign up to be a member (free of charge), but this allows you access to designer merchandise at greatly reduced prices. I recommend you use this website <strong>only</strong> if you are a bold shopper because there are several caveats to doing business with Zulily. First, Zulily does not carry inventory; they get their stock directly from the designers, so in addition to sizes and quantities being limited, returns are not accepted. Also, because they deal with such a variety of clothiers, sizing may be inconsistent. Finally, because items are not “in stock,” it may take up to two weeks before your order is shipped. That being said, the price is The Important Thing. I recently scored a stylish, python-print dress with black piping for just $16.00, a piece similar to one my supervisor swore she had recently seen in a fashion magazine.

I am not a fashionista by any stretch of the imagination, but over the years I’ve learned what I like and what is flattering on me. I’m certain that there are other amazing online shops and I’d love to hear where you score your deals, so please be sure to leave me your secrets in a comment below!

Health Benefits of Having Pets!

According to an <a href=”″>article</a> written on, there are several health benefits related to the ownership of pets. Want to know how our furry friends can help boost our well-being? <strong>Keep reading!</strong>

Pets can help us to heal emotionally, physically, and mentally, but scientists are also discovering that cats and dogs can help fight disease and assist us in coping with chronic conditions. They can have a biochemical impact on their owners’ body chemistry. Numerous medical experts have provided the results of scientific studies that support this biological basis for what we’ve felt intuitively. Here are some of the ways in which pets can have a positive effect on our health.

1. Pets Lessen the Risk of Allergies & Asthma
2. Pets Reduce Stress
4. Cats Lower Risk of Fatal Heart Attack
3. Dogs Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
5. Pets Can Help People with Serious Illness
6. Dogs Help with Weight Loss

At Princeton Properties, your furry friends are welcome! We proudly offer pet-friendly apartment homes. Check out our <strong><a href=””>pet guidelines</a></strong> for more information!

Mount Everest

I don’t often admit this publicly, but I have a strange fascination…(okay…an obsession)…with Mt. Everest. I’ve read the book “Into Thin Air” by John Krakauer from cover to cover seven times. I know how it begins and how it ends…but it’s the elements of passion and fearlessness that compels me to want to relive the story over and over in my mind. Anytime there is an article, news story or movie about someone who has climbed Mt. Everest…you can’t tear me away. In the back of my mind, I’ve always thought I would climb it one day. It’s on my bucket list…but it’s one of those once-in- a-lifetime adventures that I may have to realize through others. Recently I read an article in one of my Human Resources trade magazines about a successful Wall Street executive, Alison Levine, who climbed Mt. Everest. She compares the lessoned learned in her climb to the highest peak in the world to the business world. Her comparisons resonate for me…in and outside of the office. Whether the task is raising my son, fitness goals, or life in general…here is how Alison used each journey – whether it ended in success or failure – to improve her next attempt at anything.

1. Going backwards is NOT the critical mistake; not moving is. Fear is okay as a normal human emotion; complacency is what will kill you. You can’t afford to stand still when the environment around you is shifting and changing.
2. No matter how prepared or skilled you are, things can go wrong. There are always risks in business and in life. Mitigate risks by studying the success stories and missteps of those who have preceded you.
3. Failure can be a valuable learning experience. Alison’s first attempt to climb Mt. Everest in 2002 failed. She claims that the only reason she made it to the peak in 2010 when others turned around was because she had failed in 2002. By giving yourself and others room to fail, you encourage people to take educated risks, which can lead to epic payoffs.
Alison summed up her feat by saying…”You need to be able to weather the storms if you are ever going to have the opportunity to enjoy this kind of view.”

I agree. I think I’m going to read “Into Thin Air” again this weekend!

Adopting a Shelter Pet

Adopting a Shelter Animal
Back in August, I brought home a wonderful little cat who I named “Tali.” She is an orange and white long haired cat with some health issues, including tear ducts which are too small and cause her to sneeze on everything! (You know you love a cat when you don’t mind if they sneeze on you.)

When I was thinking about getting a cat, there was no doubt in my mind that I would adopt one from a shelter or a foster situation. I also decided almost immediately that I would adopt an older cat and not a kitten. There were several reasons for this decision and I hope that if you are considering welcoming a furry friend into your home that you will follow my logic and adopt a pet instead of buying one from a breeder.

Shelter animals often come from bad situations; situations where they are abused or perhaps neglected or even where they were simply let out on the street to fend for themselves. They need love perhaps more than any other creature on the planet.

Take care in selecting your pet. I suggest several visits to the shelter or foster home to make sure that the animal is a good fit for you. Also, most shelters or foster programs require that all members of the household be present when meeting the animal. I highly recommend this, including having each person spend time alone with the prospective new addition to your family, so that the animal can get comfortable with everyone.

Another factor, of course, is the cost. Breeder fees are usually much, much higher than adoption fees, so if you are looking to get a new furry friend, adoption will cut down on costs. Keep in mind, that the cost of getting a pet is usually higher than just the adoption or breeder fees simply because of things like food and toys (and litter and box for a cat, leash for a dog, etc) as well as spaying or neutering. In this respect, it might also be better to consider giving home to an older animal. Kitten and puppy adoption costs are often double the cost to adopt a cat or dog who is only a few years old. To keep in mind also, the older and longer a cat or dog stays in a shelter, the less likely it is they will be adopted, but they often have great personalities and require less work than puppies and kittens!

By adopting, instead of purchasing, a furry friend, you are helping to curb the overpopulation problem of cats and dogs, which is a problem in many areas. These stray animals often wreak havoc on the ecosystem around them, so adoption is good for the environment as well. Please also remember to get your new pet spayed or neutered, though yet another benefit of adoption is the fact that many shelter pets are already spayed and/or neutered.

I adopted Tali from the Baypath Humane Society in Hopkinton, MA. They were absolutely wonderful people to work with and very friendly with a good facility. If you are in Massachusetts and considering adoption, please consider working with Baypath. Broken Tail Rescue is a good foster program, if that is more your preference.

Make sure to do your research and read reviews. is a great resource. Baypath was up-front with me about Tali’s potential medical problems and would absolutely not let me take her home until they were sure she was healthy. They were honest about what kind of problems she might face, but I am lucky to see that she is a very healthy little ball of fluff!

Jingle All the Way

Hard to believe the holidays are just about here, but they are. This joyous time of year is filled with family gatherings, office parties, cookie swaps…and stress. Lots of stress. And I’m not talking the agita you feel when your grandparents ask why you haven’t given them great-grandchildren yet. I’m talking about the stress you feel when you think of all the money you have to spend on gifts, decorations, food, gifts, outfits, and more gifts. Oh, and all the bills you somehow have to continue making payments on during the season. It can be overwhelming. But we’ve got to take a step back here. We don’t <em>have</em> to spend all that money and fall behind on our bills and throw ourselves into debt every year. The holidays have somehow morphed into a cruel, commercialized joke on us. What happened to just getting together and enjoying each other’s company and being thankful for what/who we have and making memories that’ll last way longer than the iPhone 5 or whatever outrageous gift someone spent a fortune on? Sure, if you can afford to shower everyone you know with a thoughtful and/or extravagant gift, have at it. But if you’re strapped for cash and you’re stressing about making ends meet, don’t lose sight of what’s important. Pay your rent so you can keep a roof over your head, your electric bill so you’ve got lights & heat, and your car loan so you’re able to get to all those fabulous parties and have a little fun. This time of year should be cause for celebration, not collection calls.

This isn’t an anti-gift post, though! As much as I believe gifts aren’t necessarily a necessity, I do enjoy giving them. So here’s a great <a href=””>post</a> from last year that offers helpful tips for holiday budgeting and great ideas for gift-giving. Check it out and see if you can’t put some of it to use… just don’t forget what the holidays are really all about. Enjoy the aseason!

Vacation Time!

Well it’s that time, I’m off for vacation next week. And for some reason, the week before it seems like everything goes nuts. The weather, work, me… you know, the usual. Here are my vacation tips that I always try to follow. Sometimes I may fail a little at one or the other, but at least I try!

1. Pack early and light. Most resorts have laundry facilities on site. They are normally located near the pools. It’s quick and easy to do, especially when spending time floating around the pool or lounging in the resort for some downtime. Also, if you don’t pack as much, that means you will have more room for goodies to take home! I have been known to throw away shoes and clothes before checking my luggage cause it was over the weight limit… I’ve also learned at many resorts, you can actually send items home to yourself or others instead of having to take home fragile or heavy items.
2. CHARGE! Ok, when I say that I mean make sure you have all the plugs for your electronics, and extra batteries. When we travel, we do not travel light in the electronics department. We normally both take our iPads, iPhones, laptop, camera, and two cpap machines. I like to put all our chargers into a plastic bag in one piece of luggage, so we have everything all together.
3. Split your clothes. When my husband and I travel, I pack half of his items in my bag with half of mine, and the other way around. If one of our luggage becomes lost, we will at least have some clothes. (Disclaimer: First time I tried this was on our honeymoon. Both pieces of luggage were lost. This did NOT work that time. We were out of luck)
4. For the ladies: did you know you can bring a carry on AND your purse? So… I am always sure to take my biggest purse that I can possibly bring. Even if its not full, I know it will be on the way home. If you don’t carry a purse, throw a tote in your luggage to use later.
5. Flip flops, Crocs, and sneakers. We all know how time consuming it can be going through airport security. My husband and I will always wear flip flops, slip ons, or Crocs to the airport, and pack a pair of socks and sneakers in our carry on. That way, we don’t have to worry about wasting time putting our shoes back on after we go through the check point.
6. Extras, Extras, read all about it! In your carry on, be sure to pack at least an extra pair of undergarments, a t-shirt, bathing suit (weather permitted), and socks. This way if you do have an unfortunate event such as late luggage or missing luggage, at least you have a few essentials.

Most important, try to relax and get some rest before you go. Ok, that last line made me laugh!

Ps… Guess where I am going??

It’s almost time for Ice Fishing

So, Halloween is over and things are slowing down. What’s next, Thanksgiving then snow? There are other things to look forward to! If you are looking for a fun alternative to the traditional New England winter sports, skiing/snowboarding, check out Ice Fishing!

It is around this time of year that I am actually excited to see the temp dip below the freezing mark. Once the lakes and ponds have had time to freeze, usually by New Years Day, many outdoor enthusiasts head out on these frozen playgrounds to ice fish.

Ice fishing is very basic in theory. With a machine powered auger you drill 8-10” holes in the ice and set up a fishing traps called tip ups. A tip up is a wooden structure that has a basic reel with line attached to a hook. The hook is used to hold the live bait which swims around at various depths below the ice trap. Once the bait is taken by a predator then it triggers the tip up trap, which releases a flag alerting you that something is on the line! <img src=”{filedir_2}Ice_Trap.jpg” alt=”” height=”194″ width=”259″ />

The rules and regulations vary depending on body of water. Most allow 2-5 traps for use with live and artificial bait. There are also rules about how many and which types of fish you can keep. There are many opinions on which type of trap, type of bait, location, and time of day are best, but if you are sitting on the couch you are not going to catch anything!

We are usually awake by 3:30 and on the ice drilling holes before sunrise. One of the best parts about ice fishing is setting up a shelter (permanent or temporary), keeping it warm with a wood stove or heater, and cooking a ton of great food. It is a great time to hang out with friends and family and reminisce about past years of fishing. <img src=”{filedir_2}Ice_Shack.jpg” alt=”” height=”180″ width=”240″ />

Ice fishing is a fairly cheap winter sport in comparison to skiing and snowboarding, it also gets you outside and active. Give it a try!

8 Tips to be your best at Work!

Let us all take time to reflect on our work ethic, habits, weaknesses, and strengths! Here are some do’s and don’t’s that may be effecting your advancements in your work field!

1.Not Promoting Ones Work. Plain and simple, be proud of what you do, and showcase it! You know your fantastic, so why not let your management, co-worker’s, and even yourself appreciate your creativity, dedication, and hard work you put in on your eight hour work day!

2.Getting Defensive: Someone who is defensive typically will be less likely to get any feedback at all from their co-worker’s. If someone feels their interaction with you has no meaning, and you are “set in your ways”, the likely will not share with you their input! Your relationships and progess at work may suffer from the lack of open communication. So take all that constructive critisism and use it as a tool! We can’t be perfect always!

3. Make Rash Decisions: Think it all through! Jumping the gun on any decision making without really weighing all your options can prove to be risky business.

4. Not Being Assertive: Speak Up! When you find their should be a change, a raise, or you have discovered your boss has no idea what shes talking about, do not be too shy to make a comment. Be sure to watch your tone, you wouldn’t want them to be cornered into the defensive catagory!

5. Being too Negative: No complaining! No one wants to hear whining and complaining, the day is hard enough at work! You likely will be creating an unpleasant enviornment for all of those around you!

6. Lying: -Enough said

7. Being Chronically Disorganized: People always pay attention to whether you do what you say your going to do, by when you say you’re going to do it. If the do, the may feel they have more confidence in you and you are a reliable person.

8. Not learning Technology: (My personal Biggest Down Fall): Don’t fight it, just go with it! Technology is ever changing, and we need to be sure to keep up to date with it so we may provide everyone with the appropriate information to the best of our ability! Don’t resist it because it will always come back to haunt you!

Are You Ready For The Zombie Apocalypse?

This summer the Zombie 5K is coming to New England. This race is part obstacle course, part running from zombies, part muddy mess. The race starts with health flags attached to your belt. As you make your way to the finish line you have to climb over mountains of hay bales, crawl through a river of mud, all while trying to avoid the zombies who want to steal your health. If you make it to the finish line with at least one health flag you have survived the zombie run.

A friend of mine ran the race in LA about a month ago and said that almost 9000 people turned up to see if they could survive. At the end only 2500 made it to the end with any health flags. Visit their website for more details if you want to run.

What a great excuse to get in shape for the summer!

Life Changing Ways to Use Everyday Objects

A couple days ago I came across an article titled “35 Life Changing Ways To Use Everyday Objects” and was quickly intrigued. I wanted to share a few that made me stop and say “why didn’t I think of that?”
<strong>1.</strong> You know those pesky plastic packages that are hard to open and sometimes scissors won’t even do the trick? Use a can opener instead!
<img src=”{filedir_2}enhanced-buzz-5103-1337186025-12.jpg” alt=”” height=”141″ width=”225″ />

<strong>2.</strong> Use non-stick cooking spray to keep candle wax from ruining your votives!

<img src=”{filedir_2}enhanced-buzz-26946-1337192454-10.jpg” alt=”” height=”157″ width=”100″ />

<strong>3.</strong> Use mayonnaise to erase water stains from wooden furniture!

<img src=”{filedir_2}enhanced-buzz-25169-1337194567-10.jpg” alt=”” height=”121″ width=”270″ />
If you are intrigued by this as much as I was, you can read the full article here… <strong><a href=””>35 Life Changing Ways to use Everyday Objects</a></strong>