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The Renter’s Guide to Saving Money: Part 1
Recently I have seen a new commercial for Glad Force-Flex garbage bags discussing the environmental benefits of using fewer trash bags. The idea is to wait until your trash is completely full before taking it out, thus using fewer trash bags and reducing the amount of plastic added to landfills each year.
If you’re anything like me then you already wait until the bag is practically overflowing. Does that mean there are people out there that are throwing their trash out before the bag is full? To those people guilty of such a heinous and frivolous habit, I say, “Stop it!”
Anyway, this commercial got me thinking. I’m already doing my part to save plastic, what other ways can I cut back on my carbon footprint, and even save a little money in doing so.
Now, I know what you’re thinking; yet another frugal nature lover with a list of tips to “help” save money and energy. But give me a chance and maybe these tips are ones you haven’t heard before that may really make a difference.
1.) Phantom Power: Not everyone is aware of the small amount of power used by electronics and appliances when they are not in use. Radios, televisions, DVD players, and computers all use a small wattage amount, around 3 watts, to remain receptive to any remotes or start ups. This small amount of energy may not seem like a big deal to one person, but if every home in America is using small amounts, it adds up to a very large amount each year. The tip: plug your devices and electronics into a surge protector or power strip. Then when you aren’t watching tv and using that awesome surround sound, turn on the strip with one switch. This will save you a few dollars on each bill, which adds up over the year.
2.) Displaced Water in the Toilet Tank: This tip I hadn’t heard of before and it sounds like a good idea to me. Growing up in the woods spending time at my grandparent’s house, we were taught the “If it’s yellow, let it mellow” rule. Using less water was a good idea then since we were limited being so far from a city water system. I think a lot of us living with a seemingly endless supply of water that comes to us at a somewhat low price; we tend to take advantage of our fresh water supply. The tip: fill a small plastic bottle with sand or rocks (anything to weigh it down that won’t leak out) and drop it in your toilet tank. This will cause less water to reach the fill line in the tank, thus saving a little bit of water with each flush.
3.) Keep Your Freezer Full: It takes more energy to cool an empty freezer than a full one. So if you’re freezer is ever not completely full, try your best to keep it that way. Even packing it with more ice can help. Again, this will help with just a little bit of energy use, but in the long run it will save money on your utility bill.
In case I haven’t supplied you with a sufficient supply of energy saving tips, feel free to visit the following link for more ideas to help you save money in other ways.
Stay tuned for Part 2 for more fun ways to save money and Mother Earth!
Easy DIY Wall Art
Have you ever spent a long time searching for a piece of art work to match your decor? I sadly face this dilemma all the time! I’ve had an empty space above my nightstand in my bedroom that has been begging for art work. A few months ago I paid $20 for a beach scene print that matched nicely but it was an awkward size and when I went to the store to have it framed they told me the custom frame would cost $450!!
$450?? I nearly passed out on the floor!!
I decided that I needed to make this into a DIY project so I headed to the local craft store. I walked up and down the scrapbook paper aisle and found a beautiful piece of 79 cent scrapbook paper that had greenery on it….a perfect match for my bedroom decor! Next, I headed to the photo frame aisle and found a frame that was 50% off! Perfect.
I went home and placed my green scrapbook paper inside the frame and VOILA….a new piece of artwork for my bedroom that was inexpensive and a perfect match!
Have you tried creating your own art work??
Snowstorms in March
“The weather channel predicted snow over night, it hadn’t started by the time you went to bed. Morning comes, you lay there with your eyes closed for a minute. That rumble outside, is that a plow? You jump out of bed with the question in your mind “what did we get?” Throw open the curtains and look out on a world of white. Everything is covered with snow. “I wonder how much we got? I wonder how much Keene got?” (the next town over and your travel destination for work this morning). Waking up to an overnight snow storm is like getting a Christmas present you don’t have to unwrap, and after you admire your gift, you call your friends to see what their gift was, is it as wonderful as yours?” Ok, so that would be how it plays out in December, January, maybe even in February. But March? Look out the window at a snow covered March morning and think “Rats.”
Favorite Books and Movies
<img src=”{filedir_1}The_Outsiders_2.jpg” alt=”The Outsiders ” height=”480″ width=”720″ /><em>The Outsiders</em>, one of my all-time favorite novels which I have read many times and passed down to both my boys to read, was made in to a movie and released 30 years ago this month. March 25, 1983, the world got to see Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally, and Cherry up on the big screen.
The cast of <em>The Outsiders </em>included many famous names such as Tom Cruise, Diane Lane, Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze, Matt Dillon, Emilio Estevez, C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio and others who went on to have very successful careers . What an amazing cast fit to an incredible story that after re-reading so many times I still find relevant.
The novel was written by S.E. Hinton and published in 1967. S.E. Hinton was only 18 years old when the book was published but had done most of the writing when she was just 16 and a junior in high school. The book follows two rival groups, the Greasers and the Socs (short for Socials), who are divided by their social status in society.
What brilliance on the part of S.E. Hinton to write about this timeless topic, in such a way to reach so many people and to have such an impact on so many readers. At such a young age herself, to be able to write something to which so many people can relate, is incredible.
Other movies of my generation come to mind, <em>The Breakfast Club </em>or <em>Pretty in Pink</em>, again, movies about teens divided by social status.
Check out <em>The Outsiders</em>, the book or the movie….and remember, <strong>“Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.”</strong>
Steals and Deals!
Have you ever heard of the blog <a href=””>Hip2Save</a>? I believe they are sponsored by the TODAY show, and have loads awesome savings on this site! The blog was started by a mom and has expanded rapidly since she started it ni 2008. Typically, the site has at least 3-4 pages of deal postings per day. Furthermore, they have guides to begin your couponing journey.
Every Wednesday they also feature Jill’s Steals and Deals segment from the TODAY show, and will link you to all of the offers. Another sweet reward is the “comment fairy” who will grant small gifts for those participants who have especially helpful additions to the posts. You can even sign up for their daily newsletter to get all the newest savings info, and automatically be entered into their weekly $50 gift card sweepstakes
The posting subjects range from books to grocery items to jewelry, clothing and so much more! You can sort by freebies, coupons, stores and even by reward clubs. I’m only disappointed I didn’t stumble upon this earlier – it’s more addictive than Pintrest!
Get better produce with a CSA!
Even though March has only just arrived, the first thoughts of spring are starting to creep in. As spring approaches I start to think about warm days out at the Farmers Market on a sunny Saturday morning and seeing our friends at Maple Springs Farms. Jena and I have, for the last couple of years, have been getting fresh fruits, vegetables and more from Mark Hiedmann, the owner and farmer at Maple Springs farm as part of a CSA that we purchase each yeah.
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and is program that one can participate in by prepaying at the beginning of the season in order to get discounted produce though out the growing season. For example, one could provide a $300 payment at this time of year to the grower of your choice and when their crops are ready that $300 will become credit that you may use at that grower in exchange for produce. Farmers get money early in the season in order to get their crops up and running and then the supporters get the same dollar amount in amazing fresh produce. Usually, there is also an additional discount for CSA share holders as well, so that $300 will go even further that it would if you just came to the Farmer’s Market with cash. It’s terrific to be able to just go to the market and grab what you need without opening your wallet.
This is a great program that allows growers and consumers to meet and interact, so that each learns from the other about the product, how it’s grown and ways it is best used. You can pick up a lot of ideas from just a short conversation with a farmer.
Check out the Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association website at the link below for more info about CSA’s and finding a grower near you!
Moving Costs
Earlier this week during one of our marketing meetings I was asked to do a market study of how much it costs to move these days. After the meeting I did some light research on it and quickly realized what a big decision it is to move. I put myself in the shoes of a person that is relocating and started doing the math on how much it would cost if I wanted to move. As a leasing consultant we only go over the rental costs with our perspective residents we don’t factor in all other costs. Not only do you have to come up with a security deposit and first month’s rent but you must purchase boxes, protective wrapping for your fragile items, rent a u-haul and find friends or relatives willing to do some manual labor if that’s an option. It all quickly adds up to a few thousand dollars. I got a price quote from a moving company and for a 2.5 mile in town move they quoted me $1,649.00 I can’t even imagine an out of state move. Transferring cable service from Comcast will cost $50. National Grid does not charge for a transfer of service. This market study was a big eye opener and it gave me a different perspective on my role as a Leasing Consultant. Before this study I thought of moving as new and exciting though I still feel this way about it I now realize not everyone sees it for all it’s positive changes. For some people a simple move may take them months to recover from financially on top of adjusting to their new surroundings. As much as I value my new move ins this made me want to be even more compassionate towards them for making such a big decision.
Think Spring!
Today is the last day of February! That means tomorrow is March 1. I know what you are thinking, “Wow, Sheri, you’re pretty observant!” 😉
Well, here’s the thing. It’s been a long, cold and snowy winter and I am ready for spring! And, in my mind, once the calendar changes over to March, it is purely just a matter of time before the trees start budding, the mercury on the thermometer starts going up (and staying up!), the birds start chirping and the winter clothes start finding their way back into the closet!
In March we spring ahead one hour (yay!) and for all of you college basketball fans, March means only one thing – it’s bracket time for March Madness!
This year, March is chock-full of days to mark on the calendar!
So as you “March forward”, think spring! Sunny days are a’coming, people! Hang in there! 🙂
Books, books & More Books!
Do you love to read? I do! Personally, I love the library, but sometime you just have to buy the book. And then slowly, your home is covered in books and you have more coming in!
Here is a great way to clean house, save money and get new books all at the same time:! This is a website you can join for free. Each book you swap earns you a credit towards getting a new book that someone else has listed to swap. As one of their users said, “Send your previous loved books in exchange for new books that you will now love. IT’S THAT SIMPLE!” They also have sister sites for CD swapping and DVD swapping as well.
So check it out! What could be better, clean home and new books! Enjoy!
How To Lower Your Moving Costs!
Moving is a stressful process and sometimes it comes with unexpected and unwanted costs that we all forget about. Packing supplies, storage units, UHauls, movers…it all adds up leaving us wishing we just stayed put!
Here are some tips to limit your costs and save you an unwanted headache before moving into your apartment!
<strong>Time it right-</strong> A mid-month move will save you some money! Movers are busiest during the beginning and end of the month as leases turn over so they tend to increase their prices.
<strong>Save on boxes-</strong> You can purchase recycled boxes and pack small items up yourself to decrease the amount of time the movers will have to spend. You can then even sell your boxes back to the store you purchased them from!
<strong>Plan ahead-</strong> Label your boxes well and if you think of it, snap pictures of your next home and draw on them to show the movers in advance where each item goes. You’ll reduce the moving time quite a bit that way!
<strong>Snag a tax break-</strong> If you’re moving because of a job change, you may be able to deduct certain moving expenses, such as transportation and storage costs for household goods!