Would you spend $1,200.00 to “timeshare” a 15-carat diamond necklace?

Well, thirteen women did just that! They are co-owners of a diamond necklace which they nicknamed Jewelia, in honor of the late chef Julia Child. My book group read their book, “The Necklace” by Patti Channer. The book tells the story of how wearing the necklace changed their lives, and inspired them to give the “gift” of Jewlia to raise money to support the community.

The book was written in 2009, and these women are continuing to support and inspire fundraising activities all over the world. http://www.womenofjewelia.com/past_events.html

I’d love to meet these wonderful women!

Mother’s Day is approaching!

For all the moms out there today, I wish you a very warm and thoughtful day full of the love and appreciation from your daughters and sons. I’m eternally thankful for my mom and try and let her know throughout the year of my appreciation. Because, after all, you don’t need a special day once a year to let your mother know how much you care about them. While you don’t need to let them know every day, just remembering to let them know from time to time is all that’s needed. People just need to know — and hear — they are loved and appreciated.

What special token will you have planned for your mother on this wonderful day?

The ABC’s of April

I was perusing BostonGlobe.com this past weekend, and saw an article all about Grilled Cheese. I LOVE cheese, so naturally I had to follow the link. Come to find out, April is National Grilled Cheese Month. I thought to myself, “wait a second, I thought it was National Organ Donation month – no wait, I think I saw that it was Earth Month?” Turns out, April wears a lot of different hats. Below is a ABC list of what people all across the national celebrate in April. See if you can fill in the blanks!

A – American Cancer Society Month<img src=”{filedir_2}nationalgardenmonth.jpg” alt=”” height=”300″ width=”300″ />
C – Celebrate Diversity Month
D – Donate Life Month
F – Frog Month
G – Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month
H – Humor Month
I – International Guitar Month
J – Jazz Appreciation Month
K – Keep America Beautiful Month
L – Lawn and Garden Month
M – Math Awareness Month
O – Older Americans Month
P – Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month
R – Rosacea Awareness Month
S – Stress Awareness Month
V – Volunteer Month
W – Women’s Health Care Month

Cheers! I’ll Drink To That

During a recent coffee break it occurred to me what the benefits of the 3pm pick me up really are… or if they’re even considered beneficial at all. Growing up I was always told that drinking coffee would stunt my growth, and for some reason my desire to be tall at a young age kept me away from the beverage until high school. During high school and college it was more of a necessity rather than a refreshing drink of choice. I also worked as a barista in college which led to many shaky afternoons after a long morning shift.

Everything in moderation is the word these days, however while reading an article on CNN.com it appears that 6 cups of coffee a day for women can be quite healthy. More than half of the adults in the U.S are habitual coffee drinkers, according to Health.com and over 146 billion cups are consumed in the country each year. While coffee if often linked with insomnia and dehydration it also has many perks.

1. Men who are regular coffee consumers have a lower risk of advanced or lethal prostate cancer.
2. Middle-aged people who drink between 3-5 cups of coffee a day had the lowest risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease late in life, compared to less frequent drinkers.
3. Coffee contains antioxidants, and even though it contains less than fruits and vegetables, in a 2005 study at the University of Scranton coffee was found to be the #1 source of antioxidants in the U.S.
4. The aroma of roasted coffee beans triggers a relaxation response, helping to ease your stress level.

Loads of studies have been conducted regarding the effects and benefits that coffee has on the body. Something to keep in mind however is that “there’s no perfect study out there because they can’t control all the variables. The problem with a human study is everybody’s different.” (Joe A. Vinson, Ph.D.)

While the Doctor may not necessarily order you to consume 6 cups of coffee a day, studies show that it can’t hurt and may even benefit your lifestyle…drink up!

Time for Spring Cleaning! Are you Organized?

It’s that time of year again! That time of year when you go through your winter clothes, pack them up, and bring up your summer clothes! Time to put away all of your winter decorations and make room for spring and summer!  But that requires work and organizational skills…and sometimes, I just don’t feel up to the task. So today I was browsing in Better Homes and Gardens looking for some inspiration and motivation-and I certainly found it!  Check out their storage personality quiz at bhg.com/storagepersonality! Once you take it, they spit out an organizational checklist to help keep you on task and feeling creative!  Turns out I’m their definition of a “Party Planner” meaning that I’m a collector, I’m easily side tracked, and that I’m always striving to enjoy life!  I think that was their nice way of calling me unorganized!  Try it!  What storage personality are you?

The Importance of Networking

It’s more than schmoozing…
There are many different ideas when it comes to Networking. Many people have found new jobs while at a neighborhood event, playing golf or attending a child’s sporting event. Just by chatting with the person that you are with can equate into something positive. Some people hear of networking and think of just passing out your business cards or going to a job fair. It really doesn’t have to be that formal. Have a couple of initial questions that you can ask anyone and then tailor them to what that person or group does for work. Who doesn’t like to talk about the company that they work for?
Here are a couple tips to keep in mind when you are networking with others..
• Keep emails short and to the point
• You don’t need to know the most people, just the right people
• Go beyond your industry
• Ask if people want to be connected
• Make it a point to follow up
• Develop the habit of introducing people
• Don’t have any expectations
• Use social sites like LinkedIn or Facebook
It is that easy.. now get out there and talk it up.. The more people that know about Princeton Properties and what we have to offer, the more profitable we will all be!

Apartment Parties: Yay or Nay?

At some point in almost every social butterfly’s life, we’re going to want to invite people into our home for food, drink, and fun. When that home is an apartment, however, lots of questions come up. Am I allowed to have a group of people in my apartment? Will people want to actually come and hang out in my little space? Do I even <em>have</em> enough space for a party? How loud can the music be? Is this really a good idea? With a little creativity and a lot of consideration for your neighbors, you can probably pull off a lovely apartment party – so read on for some tips to make it marvelous!

– First, don’t go overboard and invite anyone & everyone. Keep the guest list small and keep your small space in mind!
– Next, check in with your management office. Let them know what you’re planning and find out if it’s actually ok. You don’t really want to risk that phone call from them the next day, do you? You know the one: “Good morning, Miss Party Pants. I’m calling because I received several complaints from your neighbors about an apparent ruckus in your apartment last night…”
– Speaking of your neighbors, you should also check in with them, too – all of them. The ones across the hall, to your left, to your right, above, and/or below you. And don’t spring it on them the day of your gathering; give them a couple of days’ notice! Tell them you’re having guests and ask them to come directly to you if they’re being bothered. Wouldn’t you rather see neighbor Mary in her nightgown at your door than Officer Killjoy? Yep, you would.
– Don’t forget about your neighbors after you’ve told them about the party. Keep the music at a reasonable volume and gently remind guests not to scream like banshees.
– Use your space wisely! Keep the food and beverages in an area where there’s enough room for people to move about easily and make sure there’s plenty of seating so people don’t feel on top of each other.
– Don’t skimp on the food options! Having more food than you need and getting stuck with leftovers is better than your guests needing to stop for fast food on the way home.
– More bodies in your apartment means it’s going to get a little warm in there…but if you open the windows, you could freeze everyone out. Be aware of how hot or cold it is and watch for shivering or melting party guests.
– Have some music playing in the background, just in case you run into the dreaded awkward silence (which you won’t, because your friends are awesome – right?). Just in case.
– Did we mention that you should be conscious of your neighbors?

Sounds like a lot of work, but it’s all absolutely worth it and can make for a wonderful night in!

Dick and June’s Ice Cream

As the weather is starting to improve, I am so excited to see my favorite ice cream shop now open for the season. For the past 3 years, my husband and I will treat ourselves to this delicious homemade ice cream. Dick and June’s are located on Elliott St in Beverly and serve many different flavors as well as frozen yogurt. While there are only a few picnic tables available, the majority of people enjoy standing and socializing as they have their tasty summertime treat. My personal favorite is mint chocolate chip while my husband loves the butter toffee flavor. If you are ever in the Beverly area I certainly suggest stopping by!
What is your favorite flavor? I bet they serve it at Dick and June’s!

Borrowed Time

I hope this blog doesn’t bum anyone out, that is definitely not my intention in writing it. I am writing about this subject to remind everyone just exactly how precious life is, and that each day is absolutely a gift and not a given right.
Just yesterday one of my parent’s best friends passed away. He had a very long and hard fight with cancer. In fact, he was diagnosed almost 7 years ago with pancreatic cancer. It was stage four. And yes, this cancer is one of the stronger forms that normally ends a life with in months. He was so much stronger than that, and was on what some would say “borrowed time” for the past 7 years. I say he was blessed and a fighter. Of course we are going to miss him very much, but we are so happy that he is no longer in pain.
Times like these always make you think about those important to you and those around you. I think instead of sad things happening to make you truely value life, we should try to live every day as though it was your last, and to realize every day is a gift and not everyone gets one.
Here are some ways that I am going to try to enjoy the “present” of today:
Smile more, it takes too much work to frown and it isn’t very pretty.
Pay it forward. This doesn’t mean you have to spend money, but it can be in the little things… donating clothes, paying for a strangers coffee at Dunkins, help someone with thier groceries, bring in extra left overs for you and your co-workers to share, pick someone flowers!
If you love someone or many people, tell them. Don’t wait. Why wait?
Stop and smell the roses. SLOW DOWN. we are always running here, doing this.. just slow down.
Enjoy life. Quit thinking of the things you don’t have or wish you had, and enjoy the people and things in your life.
I know that “D”, my parent’s friend, definately lived his life to the absolute fullest. Enjoyed his friends, family, and his church. Surrounded himself with an amazing support system and he truely did shine. Even at his lowest point, he still smiled, paid it forward, loved, slowed down, and enjoyed life.
Remember to embrace today, it is called the “present” because it is just that, a present.

Summer Apartment Living

Living without a yard can have its drawbacks. However, even apartment dwellers can make their patio or balcony into an outdoor oasis. Target is selling “small spaces” patio sets which are functional, comfortable, and cute! Plus, you could invest in a decorative space heater – it’s like sitting beside a fire pit on those breezy summer nights. To spruce up the area, plant some annuals like daisies and evergreen in bright colored pots. If you like to entertain, you can pick up some sturdy wicker cubes that can be tucked under your patio chairs, used for storage, and topped with a pillow for extra seating. Bring out portable speakers for your iPod, wrap some twinkle lights around your banisters, and you’ve got all of the makings for a relaxing summer afternoon!