Feeling Stressed? Take a Walk on the Beach!

In our nice little city of Portland, Maine, there are many things to do and see. There are local artist’s works to view, excellent... Continue Reading

Do You Check In?

Have you noticed “Check-In” requests at some of your favorite stores recently? I’ve been noticing signs similar to the one in this post more... Continue Reading

The Power of the Pen

How daily writing enhances lives and relationships……. Writing down your thoughts is a good way to maintain emotional and physical health, according to numerous... Continue Reading

So-called Cures for the Common Cold

It’s that wonderfully gross time of year when everyone you know seems to be roaming around with tissues sticking out of their sleeves and... Continue Reading

Things I Would Rather Do…

I know I am going to get slack for this… But, I do not care about the Super Bowl this weekend. There… I said... Continue Reading

Importance of Voting

How many of us have at one time or another said something like, “If I was president, I would…”? Well, we may never get... Continue Reading

The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

The Dirty Dozen With much of the current focus of a healthy “Green” lifestyle leading consumers to all-natural and organic foods, here are some... Continue Reading

Countdown to V-Day

Ok, so maybe the title of this blog post made you cringe, but let’s face it – whether we like it or not, Valentine’s... Continue Reading

Great Houseplants for Apartments

Many common houseplants not only add attractiveness to your home, but they emit oxygen and are natural air purifiers. This is especially important when... Continue Reading

Save Energy and Money

An energy-efficient home is something that everyone should strive for. It will provide a comfortable living environment while saving you money. There are many... Continue Reading