Princeton Happenings

New Year’s Resolutions?

What is a New Year’s resolution you can keep?

It seems so many people make New Year’s resolutions that sound great, you share them with everyone you know, you start off full steam ahead but then eventually the commitment wears off and the resolution fizzles out. You’re left feeling like a failure and every time someone asks you, “How’s it going?” you have to explain you gave up!

How about just making a slight change that fits in to your lifestyle already?

If you already work out, make an effort to try a new style of class. If you already volunteer, try a new place for awhile.

Give yourself a chance to adjust and embrace the newness then move on to adding another change. Change is good and can be very refreshing, breathing new life and new challenges into something you may not have even realized was stale.

Enjoy your success no matter how small.

Here’s an article from <strong>WebMD</strong><em></em> that illustrates this theory. I like the quote from, Elizabeth Zelvin, LCSW, that says “‘One day at a time’ is the antithesis of making New Year’s resolutions,” she says. “It’s not saying, ‘I’m going to do this and keep it up all year,’ it’s saying, ‘What can I do today?'”