Princeton Happenings

Furry Friends

Apartment hunting can be tough for pet owners; it’s hard to find two communities that have the same policy when it comes to owning pets. Luckily, however, lots of places <em>do</em> allow cats. (If you’re a “dog person” and you’re reading this post, I’m sorry to exclude you!) Having a cat in an apartment may mean that you’re forced to keep it indoors – which, to some people, may feel almost cruel. Do they have enough room to run around? Do they feel cooped up? Are they sad looking out the window and not being able to run free? These questions may sound crazy to some but, to cat owners, they’re real concerns. With a little help from <a href=””>Google</a> search, I was able to find a great source of tips for indoor-cat owners courtesy of – who else – <a href=””>mspca angell</a>. Check out the link – and feel free to leave more tips as a comment on this post. Meow!