Princeton Happenings

Lots of Logos

Like so many others before me, I finally gave in and got an iPhone this year – and it’s been just as lifechanging as everyone told me it would be. I’m obsessed. One of the first things I did was download all the popular apps my friends were always talking about so I could get in on the fun; one of those apps was the Logos Quiz. This addicting little game is quite simple: it shows you a series of logos and you have to identify the company to which it belongs. Think you know ’em all? Think again. They’re pulling some of these out of what seems like nowhere. But fear not! It’s pretty much understood that everyone who plays this game uses a cheat-sheet to advance (be careful, though; Lance Armstrong was, apparently, a cheater – and look how well <em>that</em> worked out). I bring all this up because I stumbled upon an interesting link thanks to Yahoo! They showed the first and latest logos of 20 of the top companies…and it was pretty fascinating to see how much some of them have changed. Check them out for yourself by clicking <a href=”–logos-looked-like-before-they-were-famous.html?page=all”>here</a>. You never know – one of them could be the one you need to get ahead in your Logos Quiz game.