Princeton Happenings

5 Ways to Save on your Grocery Bill

We’ve all heard of the coupon craze but there are other ways besides clipping coupons to save on your grocery bill!

1. <strong>Stock up</strong> – if a perishable item or toiletry you buy every week goes on sale, stock up! You can store these items in your pantry and save in the long run.

2. <strong>Substitute for bargain brands</strong> – sometimes we enjoy buying brand-name items but check the price difference compared to the bargain brand! Sometimes the items within the packages are exactly the same but the brand name price is almost double.

3. <strong>Don’t buy prepared meals </strong>- Yes sometimes it’s more convenient to buy that pre-made dinner or frozen pizza but if you do the math, it’s usually cheaper to purchase all of the ingredients and make these meals yourself from scratch.

4. <strong>Use your drugstore points</strong>- Have a CVS or Walgreens card? Usually you’ll get coupons and points when you use them. If you’ve stocked up some credit at drugstores, buy some of your weekly items at these places rather than letting your coupons expire.

5. <strong>Substitute ingredients</strong> – Does tonight’s dinner call for an ingredient you don’t already have and will probably never use again? Before buying it, do some thinking and see if you have something in your pantry that you can use as a substitute instead of wasting the cash.